Sunday, October 10, 2010

for a moment
i thought
i could lose myself in the feeling of content...

never found

so pure...
so simple...
so real...

the yellowish leaves were falling on me
the sky was bright and blue...

i was neither
in time
out of it
i was a part of the flow...

now i am praying to feel it again...
and again...
and again...


  1. in time or out of it,
    a part of the flow.

    tnank you for taking me
    back to early 2009. some years ago, there was a moment when I felt airy.
    so weightless, so white and translucent.

    I think this feeling soars only when your soul is freed from Time,
    or is it our very wishful thinking? 5 minutes already passed since I started writing this.

  2. I like this very much, Matchbox.

    There was a time when I saw Spanish fisherman coming in from their work at sea. I was away from the tourist trappings and the things I was meant to see. These were men going about their daily toil and they acted not about me.

    It was my first time out of the country. I remember thinking 'these are not my waters'. I think it was the first time that I palpably felt that the world was a much bigger place than me and the things I thought. It was a beautiful moment. And I felt humbled.

    Thank you for the picture & words. Please continue to post.
